Episode 219 - Mike Reilly

WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: (00:14:31) The drive chain.

HOT PROPERTY INTERVIEW: MIKE REILLY (00:22:15) We attended an evening with Mike Reilly in February this year which had been organised by Auckland City Tri Club.  Here’s the recording from that evening where Mike Reilly (Voice of Ironman) and co-host Cameron Brown share their inspirational stories and insights.

Mike Reilly

Mike Reilly

ONE STEP AHEAD: (01:22:50) Keto Kalm and Mikki’s Mince Bake.

Mince Bake: Line a baking tray with baking paper. Spread mince over the tray.  Sprinkle over 2 tbsps of cajun seasoning, 2 tsps of cumin, 2 tsps of oregano, chopped up bits of pumpkin, pickles and red onion.  Season and add a drizzle of olive oil.  Bake at 200C for 10 mins. Take out and mix around and pop back in oven for another 5 mins. Take out and mix in shredded red and/or green cabbage. Back in oven for another 10 mins or until pumpkin is soft.

SQUID TALKS: (01:30:15) Nathan Shearer Australian Pro Triathlete (aka Squidward) steps in for Sid this week and they talk Hoka running shoes, Nathan’s FTP and Challenge Roth.


Chris Collyer