Episode 449 - Braden Currie

FITTER RADIO FREE RACE ENTRY COMPETITION: (00:09:32) This week we’re offering a free race entry competition for ALL OUR LISTENERS to the Challenge Wanaka Garth Barfoot Aquabike.


This year Challenge Wanaka will be starting the Garth Barfoot Aquabike race off earlier to fit in with the starters from the Challenge Wanaka Half and to keep you focused during the day! What is this new start time? Email us at info@fitter.co.nz  with your answer and you’ll go straight into the draw to win a free race entry valued at $295!!

Go to https://www.challenge-wanaka.com/events/aquabike/ for more details on the event.

MERV HUNGER: (00:12:30) Merv won the free race entry to the Earshots Challenge Wanaka Cross Tri. We find out a bit more about him.

Merv Hunger

JASON CHESHIRE: (00:23:27) We bring Jason Cheshire of Infinit Nutrition back to the show. Jase brings us up to date on what’s happening in the world of Infinit Nutrition Australia.

Nuun on sale with Infinit Nutrition at https://www.infinitnutrition.com.au/catalogsearch/result/?q=Nuun

HOT PROPERTY INTERVIEW: BRADEN CURRIE (00:38:00) We bring Braden back to the show to give us his thoughts around the recent IRONMAN Kona announcement. Plus, we find out where he’s at with planning his season and what he thinks about the ASICS running shoe.

Braden Currie

COACHES CATCH-UP: (01:03:56) Bevan and Tim catch up on the week’s news and racing.



Chris Collyer