Episode 534 - Dr Kate Baldwin: Preventing and Managing Bone Stress Injuries
Coach Tim Brazier and Dr Kate Baldwin of Endurance Movement discuss the common injuries faced by triathletes, including achilles and calf injuries, hip issues and bone stress injuries. They emphasize the importance of understanding the multifactorial nature of injuries and how to prevent or manage them. The role of bone health, particularly before the age of 25, is also highlighted, along with how previous sports or training can affect an athlete's risk of injury.
We discuss how to catch and treat bone stress injuries before they worsen. Practical tips are provided for identifying and addressing these injuries plus we highlight the importance of getting an MRI or CT scan for accurate diagnosis.
We highlight the importance of nutrition and proper training in avoiding injury, as well as the role of biomechanics and muscle strength. We recommend a well-rounded rehab program, including cross-training and a gradual return to running, to prevent future injuries. We also touch on the concept of loading days and the importance of rest days in between.
We discuss the importance of giving the body time to adapt and recover after intense training, and how taking short breaks throughout the year can benefit both physical and mental health. We also emphasize the role of nutrition and sleep in recovery, and how these simple practices can have a significant impact on performance.
Listeners are invited to send in their questions for the next episode, where we will address them and discuss another injury topic.
Dr Kate Baldwin
Dr Kate Baldwin at Endurance Movement https://endurancemovement.com/
Dr Kate Baldwin at Valere Endurance https://valereendurance.com/