Episode 579 - IM Frankfurt Race Review. Dr Peter Sterling.

We review the racing from the IRONMAN Frankfurt European Championships and Supertri Boston at the weekend.

Peter Sterling Ph.D is an American anatomist, physiologist, neuroscientist and Professor of Neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. He is the author of What Is Health? Allostasis and the Evolution of Human Design (2020), and with Simon Laughlin, is an author of Principles of Neural Design.

In this podcast episode we discuss the concept of allostasis and its implications on health. Dr Sterling shares his journey from studying homeostasis in the 1970s to coining the term allostasis, highlighting how stress and anticipatory regulation affect the body's physiological processes.

We look at the impact of social and psychological stressors on overall health, the role of predictive regulation and the limitations of current healthcare systems, especially in the context of the United States. Dr. Sterling emphasises the need for a balanced approach to managing stress and maintaining health, pointing out the dangers of polypharmacy and the importance of societal well-being.

(0:00:00) – Daniela Ryf announces her earlier retirement

(0:05:14) – Supertri racing review

(0:15:39) – IRONMAN Frankfurt race review

(0:29:10) – An introduction to allostasis

(0:34:20) – Professor Peter Sterling


Dr Peter Sterling on X at https://x.com/whatishealth21  

IRONMAN Frankfurt at https://www.ironman.com/im-frankfurt

Supertri Boston at https://supertri.com/events/supertri-boston-2024/

Chris Collyer